
Visit in Italy 24th - 29th October 2013

Thursday, 24th October  2013
The train arrived at 9 o'clock and Laura had forgotten her passport. Her mother had to drive home and bring it to her. First we students and the teacher met at the railway station. Then we went to Villach where we had to get on a bus, which took us to Venice. In the bus we played many games and had a lot of fun with the teachers. In Venice we got on a train again and after some hours we eventually arrived in Turin. The nearer we came to Turin the more excited we became. Some of us had already contacted the host families but other had not. The host families picked us up, we said hello to the host families and our exchange partners. It soon also turned out that they were all really nice. 

Friday, 25th October  2013
On the next day we met the others at the school in Nole, which is located near Turin. We went on a bus tour. The bus drove us to Boves. Boves is a little city close to the French border and means: cow village. There we visited a museum called „Atlantik of Sound“. We learned a lot about instruments all over the world. After that we had a break and we got to look at the city. It was a very nice place and my friends and me had fun running around. After that we went back to the museum and did a body percussion workshop. Body percussion just means, that you make music with your body and not with an instrument. The workshop was great fun, because we sang a lot of songs and performed with our bodies.  After that, we went on the bus again and drove to another museum. It was a museum about glass and metall. And after that we went to a traditional Italian pub where we got some cake and warm bread to eat. It was very delicious. As soon as I think it was a very nice day and it was also interesting to learn so much in the museums.
Saturday, 26th October 2013
On Saturday, we went to school at 8 o’clock a.m. First, we were in the gym and we played some introduction games with a young guy from the university. He did a very good job and the games were really funny. With these games we made a lot of new friends and we got to know all exchange students from Poland, Denmark and Italy much better.
After lunch, we had a free afternoon. Some of us went to a castle, which was called ´´Venaria Reale´. In the evening, we went to the ‘Nole Forum’ which was a huge hall where parents had prepared dinner for us. There were many tables and a buffet. We ate many different traditional Italian dishes and they were very good!   After dinner our Italian hosts had organized a kind of disco. And of course we made party! We danced almost all night longs and we listened to the best songs ever! The day was really gorgeous and we had great fun.

Sunday, 27th October 2013
On Sunday we went to the school, where we waited for the bus to Turin. When we arrived in Turin we were split into 8 groups. We had to walk to special places in Turin and take photos of famous buildings and places. The Italian exchange students showed us around in Turin and we had a lot of fun and we saw many impressive buildings. After that we met at the main square in Turin and then we went to a monastery to have lunch. When everybody was finished we went to a shopping center and a big food shop called „Eatalie“. There we had some free time and we could walk around in order to buy typical Italian dishes. After that we drove back to the Nole Forum, where all Austrians and their host families went to eat a Kebap. Later when everyone was finished, we said good night and went home to go to sleep.

Monday, 28th October 2013

On Monday, we walked to school at 8.00 a.m. At school, we split in 3 groups. We went to different workshops. The first workshop was a painting workshop. Where we painted some pictures. In the second workshop, we learned about Leonardo Da Vinci and about machines he invented. In the third workshop we learned about opera and the famous Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi. After the workshops our Italian hosts had organized a painting activity on a wall in the courtyard of the school. Every partner had to finish a picture on the wall. We all did our best and we were very proud when we saw our results. In the evening the Italian partner had prepared a musical. Some hosts also participated in the show. The “Nole Forum” was packed with people. Then a choir opened the play and then the actors and actresses did an excellent show. They played the musical “Grease”. After the musical Alberto, the Comenius project coordinator held a speech and handed out all certificates. Unfortunately this was our last night and we were all very sad when we had to say good-bye to all our hosts and new friends. But, some of us were really happy to go to sleep as the last days were very exciting

Tuesday, 29th October 2013

On Tuesday, we met at 8:00 a.m. at school. We were in a class for one lesson and we had history in Italian. Then we drove with a little bus to the railway station. There we had the chance to buy some food and some drinks for the trip home. After a trip of more than 11 hours we arrived sound and save again in Judenburg.  The whole stay in Italy was fascinating, thrilling and exciting.

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