

Margarita Kinstner, one of the three „artists in residence“ in Judenburg planned together with some regional authors, students and parents the installation of a literary „may-tree“. A „may-tree“ is an Austrian tradition where a tree is erected in the centre of a village in order to celebrate the arrival of spring. On Wednesday the 8th of May students and parents of our school officially opened the „poe-tree“ with a festive ceremony.
At this ceremony students and adults presented poems, stories and pictures tot he audience and finally pinned their texts on the „poe-tree“
This literary tree should not only inspire passer-bys to stop and to read the texts on the tree but also to add more texts to the tree. Additionally, the literary team created a vitual „poe-tree“ on the internet, where texts can be read or published or downloaded. Furthermore many pictures can be found on the following page: http://poetree2013.wordpress.com