
Theatre Project

 The French speaking clown and director Mr. Jean-Paul Ledun carried out a theatre project with the French classes of the 5th grades. The project lasted three days. Each day started with a traditional French breakfast. After the students had gained some strength at the breakfast they started with some icebreaker activities and continued with various speaking and performing activities. 

The theatre workshop included many funny games and dialogues, e.g. the students imitated situations at the doctor’s or different situations of everyday life and in the family. Whenever the students got tired Jean-Paul found the right way to motivate the students again and to get the best out of them. Some other activities were imitating samurais or they rapped in French. Furthermore the students also got in contact with Fench music and culture and at the end of the project they sang some traditional Fench “chansons”.

The students really enjoyed the three project days and they learned a lot about the French language and the French way of life and how to perform in a theatrical way. They also thank the Jean-Paul for his great work and their French teachers Mrs. Maria Glinitzer and Mrs. Ursula Schriefl who organized the impressive and exciting theatre project.